Wednesday, April 23, 2008

hi there=)

tennyson high school is trying to go green. therefore the high school is recycling and getting cmma students involved. SLWRP is a program that ruduces wastes and helps you learn about the 4 R's. the 4 r's are reduces reuse recycle and rot(compose). how can you reduce? well you can use less electricity during the day. also you can take the bart to work instead of your car. how can you reuse? instead of going to mall to buy new clothes go to a second hand store orif something breaks instead of throwing it away fix it. how can you recycle? you can separate your garbage like plastic's,papers etc. how can you compose? by putting trimmings from your grass or frm the veggies and fruits you eat is considered compose. teannyson needs to get involved because we are the future

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